Wednesday Jan 22, 2025

New Year, New Me?

So many people start the new year by setting themselves up for failure. I used to be one of them. I’m going to lose weight this year. I will eat healthier this year. I’m going to hit the gym every day. And for the first 5 days they do, and then the weekend rolls around. And then Netflix comes calling, and the New Year’s resolution flies out the window!

This year, I’m opting to NOT make an actual statement of resolution. I’m just going to make a promise to myself. I’m promise that I will be the best ME that I know how to be. I promise to be true to myself. If I feel like doing something, I will do it. If I see things in myself that I don’t really care for, I vow to do what I can to adjust those thoughts or behaviors.

We have enough negativity in the world without being down on ourselves too. I have a habit of taking quotes that I find inspiring, or that spread positive messages. I take those quotes and put them on sticky-notes, then stick them to the mirrors in our bathrooms. They are small moments of positivity or thoughtfulness sprinkled throughout the household as we stop to wash our hands, brush our teeth, or check our hair. It’s nothing major, but it’s a little nudge toward feeling better about ourselves and pushing away some of the dark clouds that sometimes hang over us. They’re kind of like little rays of sunshine!

So… if you’ve decided that you are going with a New Year’s resolution, more power to you. I wish you well in your endeavors! I truly do (I don’t wish failure on anyone!!) But, if you’re like me, and you’re choosing to reject the traditional resolution route… here’s to you! May we all find better days ahead. And if we don’t, may we find the support we need to get through the rough times!

happy new year text
Photo by Jill Wellington on


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